
Acguy Jr. modeled by Howardkhor

Way before the Beargguy craze was Howardkhor's Acguy Jr.! Howardkhor is a really good modeler from Malaysia and his PG 00 Raiser was even the cover of HobiMax October issue. This Acguy Jr. however is his most recent build but he completed this way back July 2010!

The last build was way back July 2010 and I have been wondering for months now where the heck is Howardkhor??? I mean this guy is one of the best modelers out there and has been an active member of ZeroGunz for a time. A humble but really talented guy who used to contribute a lot through his WIPs.

Anyways, I was a bit surprised that I do not have a feature of this build here in my blog, but then again it's better late than never right? Hope to see Howardkhor play plastic again, but for now you could enjoy more photos of this build and his other masterpieces at his blog...

Hope you enjoyed this build by Howardkhor! Til' next feature guys! :)

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