
New MAC forums banner & wallpaper!

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I redesigned our MAC Forums banner today as I want it a bit more original than the old one. It took me almost a couple of hours to fill up all those hexagon spaces as I went to the forums and copied some photos in our completed kits section.

I like the hexagon pattern and I have it in my own banner myself. The hexagon or beehive pattern means productivity and community in some ways, thus I love using it in my banner designs. We stress community in our forums as there is no division between new and old modelers and the admins are extra handsome! lol

I do promote people to VIP status once in a while though,  depending on their activity and contribution to the forums. Anyways, feel free to grab our first MAC forums wallpaper and do visit our friendly forums for some good works, inspirations and tutorials.

Thanks as always for dropping by! Til' next post! :)

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