
1/100 Gelbrecht Custom by thehelmosengine

This will be thehelmosengine / onecoldnight's third featured stuff here in my blog. I just can't resist not blogging about it as I continue to check his threads for inspiration. Mad man skills but is a humble modeler at that. He is actually working on a huge stop motion video project of his scratch built masterpieces and I am following his works to see how it turns out.

I love this particular build so much because of its color scheme. It is also such a treat to see the led stuff and the sick scratch building. I wonder if this guy ever gets burned out of Gunpla? Too much work put into every build and he just keeps on building some more.

For more photos and discussion of this beautiful masterpiece here is the link to our MAC forums...

1/100 Gelbrecht Custom Scratchbuilt by thehelmosengine

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next featured guest modeler! :)

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