
final MAC forums logo and new MAC Forums URL

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MatX gave me some pointers and suggestions on how to improve the current MAC forums logo and applied them to this one. As with the current logo, we are still going for a simple vector looking logo that would stand out even if it is small. I still used the over-sized A but incorporated the word forums inside the letters of MAC.

The older logo is okay but it looks too conservative and although I like it, I like this new one better as this should look good over a black shirt. The C in this one also looks better as the older version has a very rounded C that does not compliment the other letters. Anyways pretty happy with the new logo and will edit the newly finished banner and MAC wallpaper  soon.

Aside from the new logo, for those who are having a difficult time googling for MAC forums... Kisapmata our site admin has given it an alternate URL address that is easier to memorize and type, here is the link guys...

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