
Reinstalled my CHAT box...

Just killing time in the office and thought of reinstalling my old CHAT box. For lack of a better image for the topic I just used an image of a Gundam being excavated given to me by Kriz. I do find it similar in a way  as I used to have my chat box for a long time here in my blog and reinstalling it is like excavating old messages of some sort.

I had to remove it at one point as it was swarming with spam messages but I think shoutmix my new chat box has a better spam protection feature of some sort, thus my new box should be a little more spam proof . It is not Troll proof though, but I always find those people entertaining anyways. They simply liven up a boring day. lol

Feel free to drop me a line in my old reinstalled CHAT box! Thanks for dropping by! Til' a better post guys! :)

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