
We've beefed up our tutorials section at MAC!

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Not much updates on our MAC Forums? Yeap, not much updates as everything is going fairly well. Thanks a ton to our VIP members, moderators and members, the Forums is pretty much running smoothly as of late. It is a ton busier and active since we started it last year and a lot of really good WIPs and finished kits are popping out almost everyday.

We have re-arranged the sections a bit making sure that the completed section ( Launch Pad ) and the WIP section ( Workshop ) is the focus of the boards. All Open topics, discussion threads,  market sections are placed at the lower part of the Forums.

However, we thought of beefing up our Tutorial section ( Training Room ) the past few days as well.  Aside from the initial approach of home made tutorials from the members themselves as we value home " self " made tutorials a lot more. We added a few more sub sections ( pinned topics ) that has links to various modeling sites, blogs, YouTube channels and forums of every modeling genre there is.

Yeap, tutorials of painting and modeling of every genre you can think of, may it be railroading, table tops, scale modeling and of course Gunpla. The tutorials simply serves as a very nice directory of as much tutorials we could grab around the net ( we link it to them ). I learn a lot of diorama building in railroaders myself... so these links are valuable tools for learning and enjoying the hobby a lot more.

See you in the tutorial sections guys! Til' next update! Here is the link to the new sub sections ( pinned topics )...

More tutorials at our MAC Foums

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