
Presentation is Everything... Improving my Gunpla Dioramas

Improving your Gunpla Dioramasphoto

I love dioramas so much I always tend to focus on working on them most of the time. Although I just make complex bases ( not considered as dioramas by some if it does not convey a story ), but the bottom line is that I enjoy working on the bases sometimes a bit more than the actual kits themselves.

I am looking to improve the bases ( or frames ) of my dioramas this year... Most of my older builds have lousy made bases as you can see HERE, HERE and HERE.

I have been away from Gunpla and worked on some minis the past couple of years, thus I am so influenced by the super talented painters of the miniature world. Unlike Gunpla, where you could get away with basic skills and airbrushing... Miniature painting ( and of course sculpting ) is done by top level talented artists.

As it is obvious with my choice of medium and paints, I am greatly influenced by the miniature painting world. Thus moving forward I will be focusing on creating and presenting my dioramas the same way top level miniature artists present their work.

There are so many ways of presenting your plastic pose-able robots. Personally, I like my Gunpla to look like serious sculptures. I like my future builds to look like well made sculptures on bases ( story or NOT ). All of my bases or dioramas will be presented the same way the top level artists and diorama makers of the miniature world present theirs.Wish me luck... and I hope you find your own style as well.

Improving your Gunpla Dioramasphoto

Improving your Gunpla Dioramasphoto

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby. :)

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