
2015 should be exciting for DC23-mecharts

2015 should be more exciting for DC23-mecharts. 2014 was a bit boring and a bit unproductive, it is so easy to be more productive and active next year!

2014 was my first year back from my Gunpla hiatus ( since 2011 ) and it took me a while to get used to working and modding plastic again. I am still re-learning the old techniques and re-learning how to use an airbrush this year. But I should ( barring some real life work stuff ) be more productive this coming year. I am also looking to buy a few stuffs to improve my painting and my photography. And as I have posted already ( see HERE ), I am also trying and looking for ways to improve my bases and dioramas.

I also promised Tai Ho Ma aka verMA ( GBWC 2014 HongKong Champion ) that I will try really hard to surprise him by year end. I hope to keep that promise bro, as you can see in the photo above, I am preparing for GBWC 2015 already ( lol ).

I practically finished only a couple of practice kits, a commissioned non-Gunpla kit, and a couple of reboots ( repaints ) this 2014. I also did work on a PG Strike Freedom, a Mega Scale Zaku, MG Z'Gok and a MG Zeta Karaba that are still in various stages of progress.

I hope to finish my WIPs as soon as I can and hope to give them better photos as well. 

Honestly I am a bit torn between joining GBWC 2015 or NOT. Sometimes I
feel too old as I am one of those people who learned Gunpla at forums (
Fichtenfoo and ZeroGunz ) and not at Facebook. Is it time for the new
talents to enjoy GBWC? Should old pricks like me just enjoy our
commission works and sponsorships?  Although sometimes, I feel like I am
new to the hobby, my 2 year hiatus ( 2011 to 2013 ) and my super busy
schedule this year ( 2014 ) makes me want to join again and test my skills against the newer generation of talented Gunpla modelers. We shall see in 10 months. 

Nevertheless I am very excited for the coming year and really hope to be as productive as ever! Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! :)



2015 should be more exciting for DC23-mechartsphoto

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