
GBWC Junior Category should be done live!?

As I post photos of my lovely daughters at my Instagram and Facebook accounts, a thought came to me about a possible scheme on how to do the GBWC junior category.

My eldest daughter ( 11 years old ) has won 2 bronzes at GBWC already, first time was in 2011 and a second bronze this 2014. I must admit I get defensive sometimes when people comment that I help her with her entries... I tell them that if I actually help my daughter, she would definitely get gold and not bronze ( lol ).

Anyways, I thought of a "what if" scenario on how to handle GBWC junior category. Maybe they could make it an "on the spot" building category? An on the spot kit bashing contest that would show creativity OR an on the spot Gunpla painting category that should be fun to watch and would showcase the painting skills of our kids in front of the judges?

I know this idea will never happen. Too complicated to set-up and too tedious to plan. I do imagine it is much more fun for the kids! They get to compete in front of the judges and in front of their parents and they get to win without the help of their uncles or fathers who want to travel to Japan for free ( lol ). 

This hobby is so much fun specially if we let the kids have fun on their own. No more controversial wins for the kids and they get to build names of their own. 

This is pretty much similar to the on the spot painting contests I used to join when I was a kid. I know I won coz I was better than the other kids during those on the spot painting contests and I know some are better than me whenever I do not win.

The point is, kids will gain more confidence if we just guide them and let them achieve things or create art on their own. 

Just a thought that I wanted to blog about. Some uncles or dads might hate this idea ( lol ), but my daughters would enjoy it for sure! Such a lovely sight when you see your kids enjoying the same activity you love. 

The photos show my daughters sanding a 1/144 Nobel Gundam. I will teach them how to properly airbrush a kit tomorrow. Should be a fun family Gunpla day tomorrow! :)

Anyways, thanks as always for dropping by! Just enjoy the hobby! Until next post guys! :)

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