
4 out of TOP5 Filipino Gundam Bloggers from MAC!

What a way to start the week! 4 out of the TOP5 Filipino Gundam Bloggers are from MAC Forums! ( 2 ) Dark side of the Sun is by Vanz Hilario, ( 4 ) X marks the Gundam Spot is by Matanglawin X and ( 5 ) The Toy Collector is by Alex Arevalo of Halimaw Sculptures. Safe to say that MAC Forum bloggers rules the Filipino Blogosphere! Woot! In addition, Boltex Machine by Raymond Celeste ( 10 ) and Mecha Workshop by Nath Dalanon ( 8 ) are in the TOP10.

TOPBlogs is the largest tracking site for Filipino blogs and they track the number of unique visitors ( not the views counts or refresh rate ) that every Filipino blog gets. TOPBlogs was basically created to measure the popularity of Filipino blogs.

However, TOPBlogs resets to zero every start of the week, thus I always check the rankings during Saturdays. Last week was a great week for the MAC Forumer Bloggers! And this week looks as promising! I hope you continue to support my fellow Filipino bloggers by checking out the list below... Again here is the list of my friends at TOPBlogs...

Thanks for dropping by! Hope you enjoy the links above guys! Just enjoy the Hobby! Woot! LOL

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