
BLINKY short film written & directed by Ruairi Robinson


I saw this post at of a really visually compelling short film ( 12 mins ) of a boy with his helper robot. I do not want to spoil your visual experience and I highly recommend you give your 12 minutes up and watch this " robot " film.

The film is directed and written by Ruairi Robinson and starred by Max Records ( Where the Wild Things Are ). This is the perfect example of great " visual " storytelling. Not much words were spoken in the film but the visuals pretty much told the story on it's own.

I love the arching of the plot as you will be abruptly treated to a very " nice " ending. The photography of the film is topnotch which resulted to a very convincing realistic compositing of the CGi. I do believe a mock up robot was used for the close ups, as it looks so real specially during the raining scenes.

Anyways, I could go on blabbing as I really enjoyed watching the film but again I do not want to spoil this visual experience... Here is the film guys, enjoy!

    Blinky™ from Ruairi Robinson on Vimeo.

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