
Eva 2.0 Unit 01 WIP - seam line removal and panel line scribing

I started a bit of work on my Eva Unit 01 kit that would be my entry for yet another ZeroGunz Group Build. This kit will be my entry for  Jeffho's Metallic team of the Metallic versus Weathering GB. Yeap, this build will be bling bling and won't be weathered.

I think the last time I built a shiny kit was when I did a Mazinger Z kit for my former boss so this will be a bit challenging for me. I will not put any pla plate detailing on this kit at all as that will just be an extra challenge to paint in bling bling colors.

I will however add some panel lines all over the armor parts to break the large bare spaces. It is a bit difficult to scribe panel lines on the round surface though and the first few scribed pane lines are crooked and needs clean up.

I kinda hate this kit as it has a gazillion of seam lines which are all in the wrong places. I have removed the seam lines now thus I have to do masking to paint the black internals. Oh well will work on this kit sparingly after the MG Zeta commish...

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next update! :)

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