
new Facebook LIKE button at MAC forums

LIKE button at MAC forums photo

First and foremost, MECH ARTS COMMUNITY ( at Facebook ) is the Official extension of MAC FORUMS.

Pardon the name, MAC and Mech Arts Community as our Mech Arts Community Facebook group page came a few months ahead of our MAC forums. It might create a bit of confusion, but MAC in Facebook is basically Mech Arts Community instead of just MAC.

Obviously we have more forum members than likers at Facebook, but we always try to update you with everything Mech Arts here in my website and through our MAC Facebook page.

I am personally not really a Facebook user as I am more of a blogger and a forum guy. But we like promoting our forums through our Facebook page. In constant drive to improve our MAC forums, we ( MatX ) just installed a LIKE button on every page at our forums.

The LIKE button should help us promote and share the contents of the forums to Facebook with an easy Facebook LIKE button. Help us share those awesome works from fellow members and modelers... LIKE them without discretion ( lol ).

Thanks as always for dropping by guys! Til' next post! :)

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