
ZAKU GB quick announcement!

ZAKU GB quick announcement photo

Just a quick announcement guys!

Our ZAKU Group Build has already started and there are 7 WIP threads as of this writing. We have decided to put all WIP threads among the other ordinary WIP threads in the regular WIP section. Meaning you need not jump to a dedicated ZAKU GB WIP section and just enjoy all the active WIPs in one section.

Thus to make all ZAKU GB WIP threads distinguishable, we would like to ask you to put a ZAKU GB in front of your titles. Example title... ZAKU GB: Real Grade Zaku verDC23 WIP.

So that's about it... Do check out regularly our WIP section at the forums as it is so packed with active threads right now. Don't miss out on any great ZAKU WIP at MAC forums guys! Here is a quick link to our WorkShop / WIP section...

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