
1/72 Star Wars X-Wing Fighter - initial wash and decals

Managed to do an enamel wash last night ( early morning ) even though I was in Skype with some moronic MAC members ( hehe ). I used Tamiya flat earth for my first enamel wash just to give it an overall dusty look.  I was also able to do some of the major decals today even though I woke up late because of Skype. 

I realized before doing the decals that you could actually build a clean version of the X-Wing as there are decals without chipping. Oh well, I am most comfortable in weathered builds anyways as my airbrushing skills kinda sucks. 

I also realized that all of R2D2's markings came as decals, thus I won't actually need to paint all those blue square thingees for R2. I will have to seal this with future later after the Mark softer I applied on the decals has cured. 

I will have to blend those decals later, maybe spray some white and some Tamiya smoke to try to blend it. I will also give it some enamel washes in deeper colors ( maybe hull red ) to complete the build.No more WIP updates on this, will just post the completed finished kit soon! Anyways here are some photos of the kit with decals...

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next update! :)

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