
Fine Molds Millenium Falcon modeled by GRAIL

FM Millenium Falcon modeled by Grail photo

I have here today a masterpiece of a build from MAC forums member GRAIL. This is a FM /144 Millinium Falcon Custom-The Corellian Bloodstripe. This kit is very small but due to the masterful painting and weathering of the kit, it actually looks a ton bigger in the photos than how it really is.

The Work in Progress thread of this masterpiece is in HERE.

Grail painted this with all sort of kinds of paints. He mainly painted it with Tamiya acrylics, Alclads, Krylon black primer, Vallejo paints, oil paints and mig filters. No wonder it came out so nice! Anyways a ton more photos of this small masterpiece at MAC forums as always. Here is the link guys...

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