
GOOD LUCK to all GBWC Phil 2011 participants!

GBWC Philippines 2011 photo

It's awarding ceremonies at Gunpla Builders World Cup Philippines 2011 later today. I am pretty confident whoever wins in the Open category this year ( more than 70 entries ), we will be sending a " worthy " entry this time around. I am expecting a good placing if not a win this year at Hong Kong finals, hope the Philippine flag gets raised again since 2008 ( crossed fingers ).

Gone are the old days where we see stand alone entries at Bandai competitions, not so well modified kits, not so creative builds and poor dioramas. These days ( since 2009 ) the modelers are improving tremendously! They know how to present their masterpieces well by doing well built bases or dioramas. We have a bright future in the Philippines... the younger and new batch of modelers are more creative and talented... they will be making waves in the years to come!

Good Luck to all the participants including my daughter who has joined in the New Challenger Junior category! Good Luck specially to all the MAC forum members and MAC and GMAC likers participating in the event! Let's have the winners and get it over with! hahahaha

2012 Mecha Contest at MAC forums is looming in the background... enjoy GBWC and start your engines for the next big thing come January guys! :)

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