
GBWC entry: BEST Sangokuden entry by REDKNIGHT

GBWC entry: BEST Sangokuden entry by REDKNIGHT photo

The post of this masterpiece has the loooooongestttttttt topic title I have ever seen in a forums section ever!  The title of this build at MAC forums is GBWC 2011 Philippines Open Category - Sangokuden diorama entry - CELESTIAL GODS. Long title ey? This Celestial Gods Sangokuden diorama was modeled by MAC forums member REDKNIGHT.

RedKnight's " Celestial Gods " won the Best in Sangokuden Entry at the GBWC Philippines 2011. This is by far one of the best Sangokuden diorama I have ever seen. Definitely the best Sangokuden diorama here in the Philippines in a wide margin ( I think ).

This was painted with spray cans save a couple of kits. Great job on such a difficult kit to paint! A ton more photos of this build is at our MAC forums diorama section as usual. Here is the link guys...

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