
Toymaker versus DC23 revealing soon...

Toymaker versus DC23 build off poster

During the start of the year ( January 2011 ) I challenged Kenny Lim aka Toymaker to a build off. I follow Kenny's blog religiously and saw that he was planning to build a MG The O too. So I asked him if we could do a sort of build off together which will also serve as our BAKUC entries come yearend of the same year.

Kenny is one of the best and most respected modelers in this part of the world ( at the very least ), thus I am totally insane and out of my mind when I thought of the idea. Honestly I was thinking of just trying to out do myself as I desperately need motivation to improve. The best modelers here in the Philippines are semi retired already, they are only doing relax builds and are not really as competitive as they used to. So there is not much reason to compete with them anymore.

So there... challenging Kenny is basically a move to motivate my self to improve my craft by challenging one of the best and one of my original inspiration when it comes to detailing and modifications.

Fast forward to today ( November 12, 2011 ), Both me and Kenny are sort of rushing our custom MG The O builds for the Singapore Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 on November 15. He is now painting the armor parts of his kit and I am rushing a simple base after this post. We will be revealing both our custom MG The O exactly on

November 14 11:59 PM

The build off is almost over... I have posted around 13 WIP posts of my MG the O while Kenny has posted only a couple ( as I expected - lol ). But I have been in constant contact with Kenny since the start of our challenge back in June 2011.

This was a win and win situation for me as not only did I get the chance to compete with one of the best in the craft, thus pushing myself to somehow out do what my skills would allow me to. I also won a friend from across the sea. 

I got to meet Kenny back in our MAC forums anniversary party last August 2011 here in the Philippines, and since then he has been a mentor, tutor, inspiration, a rival and a close friend. This build off although not yet finished has served it's purpose already. I won a great friend.

Toymaker versus DC23 build off poster

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