
MG Pro Ball Shop diorama by Tember Gundam

MG Pro Ball Shop by Tember Gundam photo

I have here another entry to our much vaulted MAC forums scale diorama section! I am proud to say that our forums is the only Mecha oriented forums to sport a dedicated section for dioramas. Our forums now has a whopping 200 entries in our diorama section alone. These includes some of the craziest Gunpla dioramas in the business.

Anyways, I am featuring here the newest entry to the dio section which is done by MAC forums VIP member and friend Russell Hutchison aka TEMBER GUNDAM. Tember is pretty much known for his crazy color schemes and creative mods, but he has now ventured to diorama building for the first time. I personally value dioramas so much, over stand alone kits as these masterpieces are not very easy to come by.

Anyways join the discussion and see tons of photos of this Pro Ball Shop modeled by Tember Gundam, inside are MAC forums as always. Here is the link guys...

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