
scratch build Devil Gundam reference photos

scratch built Devil Gundam reference photos

Regular readers and visitors of this website have seen this show before. I start with getting many reference photos of my big project and share them.

In a vain attempt to try to improve my primitive scratch building skills and improve my craft as a whole, I might try to attempt to scratch build a 1/100 Devil Gundam for my 2012 year end project. I did okay with my The O II conversion against Toymaker, but as expected my The O II stands no chance with Kenny's. Thus I shall try to improve next year ( thanks Kenny! ).

The Devil Gundam project is obviously highly inspired from nblood's Devil Gundam. And I will try to build my own version. As it is very obvious by now, I try to make my year end projects BIGGER than the previous ones. So what project could be bigger than my The O II conversion? A scratch built 1/100 Devil Gundam is definitely a candidate.

BTW, Thanks a ton to all the guys who voted in the poll in my sidebar, keep on voting guys as I am not really fixed on killing my self by doing this Devil Gundam. It is so much easier to modify and customized a PG Strike Freedom if it wins in the poll ( lol ).

scratch built Devil Gundam reference photos

scratch built Devil Gundam reference photos

scratch built Devil Gundam reference photos

scratch built Devil Gundam reference photos

scratch built Devil Gundam reference photos

Thanks as always for dropping by! Til' next post guys! :)

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