
GBWC entry: MG Deathscythe by GIANSHOPAO

GBWC entry: MG Deathscythe by GIANSHOPAO photo

I would be brave enough to say that Gian Paparo aka GIANSHOPAO is now one of the best Gunpla modelers here in the Philippines today. And is undeniably one of the best painters that uses Tamiya acrylics on his kits. Gian is a young modeler that I know back in ZeroGunz and we are now very happy to have him at our MAC forums.

I am pretty sure that he will feel at home at our forums as we house most if not all of the newer and younger up and coming modelers from the Philippines, as well as the ultra talented pool of very skilled and talented international members. MAC forums is ( arguably ) the haven for the young Gunpla modelers in the Philippines today.

As usual, Gianshopao did a fantastic job with his custom MG Deathscythe. His modification skills and painting skills is undeniably one of the bests out here. Scary to think that Gian will only improve as he enjoys this hobby. Enjoy more photos of this stunning masterpiece at our MAC forums. Here is the link guys...

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