
GBWC Philippine Champion: Michael Costa aka BULASTOG

GBWC Philippines 2011 photo

First of all, I am so proud of ALL the MAC forum members who were able to join and participate in the event and most specially to all the winners! I will be waiting for your completed threads at our MAC forums as I could at the very least feature your works here in my website. Gratz again!

I am so proud to present to you our PHILIPPINE Gunpla Builders World Cup CHAMPION 2011!

Our new champion is MAC forums member Michael Costa aka BULASTOG!

I have featured Michael a couple of times here in my website before. First was when I liked his entry very much at last year's BMKWC 2010. I also posted Michael's work in progress thread at MAC forums a while back.

I actually congratulated him even before the announcement of winners as he really did a great job with his Buster Gundam! I have been following his WIP at our forums and I was blown away with the finish product. I will be personally waiting for his final photos at MAC forums but for the mean time I will give you the link to the WIP thread ( You do not need to sign up to view our WIPs ) of our new Philippine Champion!

GBWC Philippines 2011 photo

GBWC Philippines 2011 photo

Again congratulations to all the MAC forum winners and participants! Most specially to our MAC forums admin MatanglawinX for getting 2nd runner up and my good friend and the supplier of MAC forums shirts Fil Dimaano aka FILMECHS for getting 1st runner up! Great job guys! Until next year!

GBWC Philippines 2011 photo

GBWC Philippines 2011 photo

Thanks for dropping by! Congratz to all the participants and to all the winners! Til' next year! :)

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