
GBWC entry: Ambush modeled by filmechs

GBWC entry: Ambush modeled by filmechs photo

I am very proud to present to you a Gunpla Builders World Cup Philippines winner. " Ambush " highlights a super modified MG Zaku White Ogre and was modeled by MAC forums VIP member in Fil Dimaano aka FILMECHS. I need not share with you old threads of Fil to show you that he is a MAC member ( lol ). Coz Fil is basically the supplier and maker of ALL our MAC forum shirts!

I am very proud of the guy as he is a pretty busy dad and he did a tremendous job of almost going to the Hong Kong finals with this masterpiece. Love the water effects and the weathered look of the kit! The panel line scribing was very well done as I inspected them up close in person. Overall a masterpiece from Fil! A ton more photos and discussion of this build at our MAC forums diorama section . Here is the link guys...

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