
GBWC entry: In a Pinch modeled by LACERTA

GBWC entry: In a Pinch modeled by LACERTA photo

I have been featuring Gunpla Builders World Cup entries from our dear MAC forum members for the past couple of weeks now... but I think I need a couple more weeks to feature them all. Just too many members that joined the contest as expected ( some were shy to approach us during the event  here in the Philippines though ).

We will make sure to gather all of you guys in next year's GBWC so that we could rock the place even more! Anyways I have here another eye catcher during the event. Placed near the fence that I why I was able to inspect this entry a lot. The weathering is pretty good and the pose very dynamic.

Just a bit of refinement on the weathering and the ground work and this is perfect. This MG MKII and Zaku Minelayer diorama was modeled by active MAC forums member LACERTA. A ton more photos of this diorama at our diorama section at MAC forums. Here is the link guys...

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