
custom PG Red Astray Dragon Ronin verMATX

custom PG Red Astray Dragon Ronin verMATX photo

I think I have to feature this masterpiece of a build already as the GBWC dust is really starting to fade by now. I have been waiting for the proper photo shoot shots for weeks now as I do not want to feature this with only the event photos uploaded in the forums. Hope to still see those photos in the thread though.

This is yet another winning entry from the not so recently concluded Gunpla Builders World Cup Philippines last November. This custom Perfect Grade Red Astray Gundam was crafted and modeled by no other than one of our MAC forums admin and co - creator MATANGLAWINX.

MatX originally planned this as an entry back in 2009 but left it untouched since then. He then eventually decided to revisit this build a couple of months before GBWC Philippines 2011 and managed to pull it off together with a rushed diorama / base.

MatX has been since long regarded as one if not the best scratch builders in the country ( Philippines )... he just always keeps on not finishing or painting is highly customized builds. I am just so personally happy that he finished something for the contest. The win is just a bonus.

Anyways discussion and a ton more photos of this build at our MAC forums diorama section...

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