
Hot Toys Superman " Man of Steel " photo by JEY_S05

Hot Toys Superman

Can't help but share you this non-mecha post at our MAC forums before I retire to bed today.

This was shared to us by fellow Filipino Gunpla modeler in JEY_S05 at the least active section of our MAC forums which is the collection hub.

I love the Hot Toys stuffs but I could never afford them of course... wife will kill me and I am too broke these days to even get a Gunpla. I like the Iron Man from Hot Toys more as the other figures with real cloth as costumes bothers me a lot, due to the huge out of scale stitches ( pardon my OCness ).

However, this Superman " Man of Steel " figure is just too cool to ignore! I watched all 4 of the Christopher Reeves Superman movies with my dad when I was young. I think it was 4 movies and I remember I liked the crappiest of them all which was the 4th movie.

The Christopher Reeves likeness of the figure blows me away! Head out to our collection hub section of our MAC forums for more photos of this stunning Hot Toys figure photographed and shared to us by Jey_s05. Here is the link guys...

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