
Someone MASSIVE is coming to town!!!

Massive Attack by AOR_OR_DIE photo

Yes I am not talking about the peace talk with MechaPinoy, our 2012 Mecha Contest, G-SHOT, or our ZAKU Group Build at MAC forums. I am talking about someone ( a massive person actually - lol ) coming to town.

We've been fortunate at MAC forums to have met our friends from Singapore back at the MAC FORUMS anniversary party. Now I am very happy and excited to announce that one of our big boys and huge contributor and VIP member is coming to town this February 2012!

 Omar aka AOR_OR_DIE will be coming from Italy to the Philippines this 2012!

I met Omar back at BAKUC 2008 when he represented Italy as their BAKUC Champion. He got a special prize during the event from Mr. Kawaguchi himself and I sat beside him and Matt Tomczek ( US Champion ) during the BAKUC dinner party. Omar / Aor got a crappy HG kit during the raffles ( lol ).

I have been following his builds since then and was good friends back at ZeroGunz and now at MAC forums. He is a VIP member of our forums and has been a very active VIP member ever since. Aor even donated a prize for our 2012 Mecha Contest.

BTW, I say he is massive as he is I think around 6 foot 4 inches. Filipinos like me ( at 5 foot 7 inches ) would get stiff necks talking to this guy. Anyways I am pretty sure you know Omar's website, but I'd still leave you with the link guys...

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