
DC23 and MechaPinoy at peace

This is just a quick response to what MechaPinoy founder Richie Ramos has just announced at MechaPinoy's website.

For those who has been friends with me since I started the hobby back in 2008, you guys pretty much know my personal history with MechaPinoy since 2009. I am a proud Filipino / Pinoy Gunpla modeler but  unfortunately I had conflicts  ( some silly ) with their group dating back December 2009.

I need not narrate the whole thing and I actually deleted ALL my rant posts pertaining to my past conflicts with their organization. I had a meeting with Richie Ramos a couple of Saturdays ago and it was actually my first time to talk with him in person. The lunch meeting was simply to try to put our past conflicts behind us and just try to promote the hobby.

Anyways I together with the support of the whole MAC forums community would try to work with  MechaPinoy to help strengthen the Gunpla community most specially here in the Philippines. I'll leave you with the link to their announcement at MechaPinoy's website...

P.S. To Richie, GMAC is the Facebook group page by Vanz Hilario... MAC ( without the G ) or Mech Arts Community ( Facebook ) is THE FORUMS. :)

EDIT:  My title is different than Richie / MechaPinoy's entry as I personally think that our community at MAC forums generally does not view MechaPinoy the same way as I view them before. So I am keeping our forums ( MAC ) out of the title at least as the 2 year feud was mostly between me, Richie Ramos and a few officers and veteran members of the 10 year old forums MechaPinoy.

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