
Finemolds 1/72 Star Wars X-Wing Fighter

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I have been working with this beautiful kit for a few days now ( or a week ) and this kit has been my project during our Skyping sessions. I highly recommend this 1/72 kit by Finemolds as I honestly think a first time 9 year old kid could produce great results with this.

I desperately painted the pilot with red and yellow markers to produce orange as I did not have any orange paint last night. I painted the pilot visors with Citadel Bronze, painted the gloves and boots with black fine Gundam markers and gave it a flat brown enamel wash. It came out ok I think as it ill be covered by a tinted cockpit cover anyways.

I made a few booboos during the build but I really enjoyed this kit so much. My base paint had some nasty small orange peels thus I opted to sand the whole kit. The sanding exposed some of the original plastic and chipped away some decals. I like the effect so much I will always sand down kits that I plan to weather from now on. It is I think a great way to show some natural looking chipping effects. 

I also sprayed too much Tamiya smoke as I was eager to finish the kit already. It is a major booboo in a way coz you cannot barely see the pilot because of the heavy tinting. The overall grey color is a bit too dark for my taste too but it looks ok in the photos. I also needed to reduce the amount of grains in the background of the photos so I needed to photoshop the pics a bit more than usual.

So many booboos for a simple relax build but I had so much fun building this. I am now thinking of getting a Tie fighter to accompany this in a small diorama soon. Now here are tons of photos of my first Star Wars model kit and my second finished kit of 2011...

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next completed kit guys! :)

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