
GN-X Ver Black Pearl bling modeled by Kriz

This is just in today! This 1/144 GN-X is fabulously painted, I somehow keep on reminding myself that this is not the MG GN-X. The beautiful metallic / pearl  painted kit is modeled by Chris Cook aka Kriz / Rmahza and this is his entry in the weathering versus metallics GB at ZeroGunz.

Kriz painted this with all sorts of paint including pearl powders which clogged Kriz's AB during the build. I love the purple ( clear blue + clear red ) on some parts and I will copy the colors for my Eva kit which will also be submitted for the same ZeroGunz GB.

Now for more photos here is the link to ZeroGunz under the Weathering versus Metallics GB...

GN-X Ver Black Pearl bling modeled by Kriz

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