
Beargguy ver Captain America by fang

Although we at MAC forums have been aggressively promoting our concept MECHA GB, as it will finish earlier ( June 1st ) than our Beargguy GB. The GAF - MAC Beargguy GB is still a go of course. At least 4 local ( Filipino ) members have their kits at hand already and a lot more have pledged their participation.

Anyways, I found this really cool looking Beargguy version Captain America at Plamo. This awesome and cute masterpiece is by wantanmee ( in ZeroGunz ) or fang ( in Plamo ). The colors are very vibrant and very pleasing to the eyes and the semi gloss ultra clean finishing is topnotch as always.

Unfortunately fang is not a member of both MAC and GAF and he did not join our Beargguy GB. I also did not asked for the permission from fang to post this here so I just took one photo, MORE photos and discussion of this fabulous Beargguy in his thread at Plamo ( Singapore )...

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