
1/72 WAVE Destroid Tomahawk modeled by Decay

I have been a bit more interested in non-Gunpla stuffs these days and there are a lot of non-Gunpla Mecha WIP threads in the forums. However this completed 1/72 Destroid Tomahawk blew me away when I saw it! This was modeled by one of our active members William Decay aka decay.

Decay is a very experienced modeler as I saw some of his old ( 2002 - 03 ) painted Lord of the Rings table top figures in the forums. I have also featured him here in my blog before when he posted his beautiful highly detailed MG EX-S Gundam, which is one of the best MG EX-S I've seen so far.

This 1/72 Destroid blew me away as I was caught unexpected! He did not have any WIPs on this one as he considered this as a relax build. This is not a relax build for me as I think this is BMKWC level already! Both the kits and the diorama are masterpieces on their own and it is just a treat to look at those very nice moody photos!

Tons more photos that I highly recommend is in our MAC Forums diorama section...

1/72 WAVE Destroid Tomahawk modeled by Decay

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