
MG Zeta WIP - Khaki colored diorama

I just finished painting the Zeta hangar diorama and I painted it Khaki! Yeap, instead of the usual grey hangar I thought of painting this one Khaki. I still have to add my usual miniature posters and some 1/100 figures to complete this and I might also give it a couple more enamel washes as it looks a bit too clean for my taste.

WHY in the hell did I paint the hangar Khaki? Simple, I think painting it in Khaki will make the pink Dom blend a bit more with the diorama as both are warm tones. PLUS, The Zeta will be painted in blue tones thus it will have a nice contrast against the Khaki colored diorama. Blue Zeta ( cool tones ) will definitely stand out against the Khaki ( warm tones ). Besides aren't we tired of grey hangars already? lol

Anyways I hope the client likes it, though comments and suggestions are very much welcome as always. Now here are some more photos of my Khaki colored diorama...

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next post! ;)

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