
In MAC Forums, FUN comes first before the RULES!

Our forums has been around for almost 7 months only but I am proud to say that we have a wealth of Blogger members already! I've just set up the Youtube channels section yesterday thus it has very few links as of now, though our Blogger section has 33 BLOG links as of this writing!

Yeap, 33 blogs and I have them all if I am not mistaken in my Blog roll. My Blog roll only shows 5 of the most recently updated Blog, as I do not want such a long list on my sidebar as it might slow down this Blog.

I am also proud to say that the links of both the Youtube channels and the BLOG links are under our MAC Features section, which is on the TOP part of our forums and is the first section after our very fun to use live Chat box.

The MAC Features section goes first even before the rules and regulations section, because in our MAC Forums  FUN comes first before the RULES. wink wink! lol

Here is the link to our BLOG links at MAC Forums...

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