
new facebook avatar

Ello guys, I just want to share this photo of me with my eldest daughter Nico, taken by my officemate 3 years ago in a company outing at Enchanted Kingdom ( local amusement park ). My daughter is a bit scared here and I was telling her to look at my eyes... but during that time, to tell you the truth, I was also a bit scared. hihi

Basically I am still in the office right now and I plan to change my Facebook avatar with this photo once I get home, coz Facebook is blocked in my office so I thought of uploading this photo here in my blog first and retrieve it for Facebook later. XD

I came up with the idea of changing my facebook avatar when a M.A.C. member asked me how he will recognize me amongst tons of people on Sunday at ToyCon ( if I ever go there ). SO I thought of using this photo...Now, if you see a fat 5 foot 7 inch guy in skinhead with a braided pony tail like this... that guy is most probably me. hehe

Sorry for wasting your time with this post guys...til' a better post later! XD

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