
AC White Glint has landed in the US!

Wahoo! The AC White Glint that I shipped through FedEX has landed to the US already! I was getting nervous, coz it just arrived to the US earlier today even though FedEX told me it will arrive in just 3 days. It actually arrived in 4 days. hihi

Luckily the client was very happy with the build, he told me it is so far the STAR of his mecha collection! I am happier than he is of course, all the time spent on seam line removal, sanding, modding and painting is well worth it! My first international commission build is a success! ;D

I will put up how I packed the White Glint for shipping as a tutorial later. It could be a nice simple guide on how to pack a model kit and ship it through FedEX for other people who are doing their first international commish work.

Anyways, a million TON of thanks to my client for giving me the opportunity of working and building a rare and expensive ( in the Philippines ) AC kit in White Glint. It was a pleasure working with a very generous guy! hihi, Thanks bro!

On a side note: I am currently working on the back skirt of the MG Sazabi ( nose bleeds ) and I have reshaped the boob part already ( nose bleeds again )... stay tuned for updates later today. thanks! XD

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