
Armored Core WHITE GLINT with V.O.B. ver DC23

Ello guys, I just finished putting the final topcoat of my very first international commission work, which is the AC White Glint build and finally it is done! I actually worked on this for 2 1/2 months ( on and off ) and I got the kit around February 28. The kit as I've said before looks really really impressive and is my most impressive looking build so far.

There are a lot of seam lines to work on and there are a gazillion small parts to paint but it was truly a great experience to have worked with a non - Gundam kit. As per the client's intructions which is to glue the loose parts ( make it feel more solid ) and weather the kit, I think I did a fairly good job.

You will notice in the photos that I did not weather the Vanguard Overed Boost ( backpack ) as much as the White Glint itself...I personally think this gives a more logical overall look to the build coz the White Glint does not have the V.O.B. in every mission, plus it adds a nice depth to the overall look of the build.

I have modded the kit with my usual pla plattery and some MSG option parts and have weathered the kit with some Citadel paints and Tamiya enamels. I painted the base color with Tamiya acrylics sealed with Future before weathering and paint chipping, nuf talk about the build coz I have talked a lot about this build in it's 16 part WIP posts.

Anyways, I will let the topcoat cure for a few days and will be shipping this soon to the US...this kit will travel thousands of miles so I have to figure out something to make the packaging solid and secure. I took a lot of photos today coz I will never be seeing this kit again. huhu...anyways here are tons of pics of my AC White Glint ver DC23...

Thanks for dropping by! til next post! ;D

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