
Panzerkampfwandern 38(x) by FichtenFoo

Ello guys, I just want to share a masterpiece by FichtenFoo... Michael Fichtenmayer aka FichtenFoo or master Foo as I call him in his forum is a really great scale modeler from the US and he does lots of scratch built projects and some Gundams. The great thing about him is his range of modeling skills from weathered finishes to pristine smooth finishes, ootb works to totally scratch built pieces...and he does kits in record time. If a few of you think my pace last year ( 21 kits made last year ) is fast...well, I am a slow poke in comparison to this guy!

Anyways, as I've said a gazillion times...I learned ALL of my basic Gunpla modeling from master Foo's website. I just lurk back then ( 2008 ) and saved all of his works in my hard drive. Honestly, I was very hesitant to blog about master Foo's work coz well, who does not know the guy? I mean I visit master Foo's site as often as I visit dalong's site back in 2008.

I am not into military modeling, I have not tried it actually though I have briskly painted a couple of 1/72 trucks for a couple of dioramas. I like tanks, ships, planes and dinosaurs when I was a kid, But I  like robots and sci fi stuffs  more as I grew older.

So what amazes me with master Foo's recent work is that he combined a normal tank ( 0 idea ) with some mechanical spider looking legs and made it look like a realistic tank with sci fi legs...and the best thing about this piece is the composition of the diorama. It sort of tells a simple story with the placement of the rocks, the legged tank and the figure. The rock formations in the dio itself answers the question of why you need a legged tank in the first place. I mean what normal tank could reach those rocks?

Now here is the link of master Foo's most recent masterpiece...the...

Thanks for dropping by! Enjoy the hobby! til' next post. ;)

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