
I started my BAKUC 2010 project last night! XD

Ello guys, I just want to share that I started my Bakuc 2010 project last night. For some really weird reason I was so excited on working on my Bakuc project yesterday... my wife even told me today that I was acting a bit weird and was moving and working on the dio on a frantic phase. She told me I look like I was trying to beat a deadline or something. hihi

I managed to finish the basic sections of the dio, scratch built the main portion with high impact plastic sheets ( HIPS ) and some cd cases, and also I was able to create the terrain with styropor and paper mache last night. The paper mache is still wet but I plan to brush in the usual sand + glue mixture over the Terrain areas later today.

The main objective of the diorama this time is to make it a ton less expensive and a ton simpler in comparison to my " The Graveyard " diorama. I learned my lesson through friends in the forums and researched a lot on dio making. The dio this time is focused on diverting the eyes of the audience towards the model kit. Unlike the " The Graveyard " diorama, wherein the dio is a lot better than the main kit itself ( MG Infinite Justice ) and the composition is a complete disarray, no focal point whatsoever.

As much as I want to share more photos of the diorama so far... I do not want to spoil the surprise, I am really sorry guys. I have yet to ship the White Glint, have yet to work with the PG MKII commish work and the 1/144 GN-X parts are already put on barbecue sticks for priming but will continue to work with this diorama sparingly and detail it up as I progress.

Thanks as always for the support guys! til' next post! ;D

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