
Eagle Quest 2010 - congratulations to mvm3897!


Congratulations to Matt Mrozek aka mvm3897 for winning GOLD with his 1/100 Kshatriya and winning People's choice award with his 1/35 Matkov Gravity Racer ( which really flies / hovers over it's base ).

He also won SILVER with his MG Sinanju!

Eagle quest is held every year in Dallas and is sponsored by Squadron. There were 250 entries. Links to the gallery of all the participants and a little more info can be found at ... here is the thread at ZeroGunz of the Eagle Quest 2010! Enjoy the links guys!

Again, congratulations to Matt for winning a total of 5 awards!!! Much deserved win!

 Matt is an active member of FichtenFoo forums and ZeroGunz, he is also a member and officer at MAC. ;)

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