

It's Father's day today and we'll be leaving the house and celebrate in a while...but I would just like to THANK YOU ALL once again for the continued and overwhelming support of my blog! Thanks a ton to my friends at Facebook, friends at ZeroGunz, Pinoy Gundam, Plamo, Fichtenfoo, Netmorks and the other forums I visit! Thank you specially to my fellow bloggers out there! ;D

I have grabbed an image of today coz it will reset today to 0 visitors... Anyways, this blog remains and continues to be the no.1 Pinoy Gundam blog since I joined Topblogs! Of course I would never put no.1 or Top Pinoy blog as my subtitle...too narcissistic and insecure in my opinion. LOL

  THANK YOU EVERYONE! Now let's enjoy Father's day! XD

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