
MG Sazabi and some other loots!

Ello guys, just got home from work and I have my MG Sazabi and some other modelling stuffs also!

I bought the MG Sazabi of course, a couple of boxes of  Edward's 1/72 figures, some pla plates ( 2mm, 1.2mm and 1mm ), and a few Tamiya pla rods.

As much as I want to snap fit the Sazabi, I am a bit tired already and will just do so tomorrow. The 1/72 figures looks great and the poses looks so natural though it is a bit expensive at 100 Php per figure. I plan to use it for the PG MKII commission work but I am still thinking of saving the other box for me.

I do not usually buy pla plates thicker than 1mm, but I feel like I have been detailing kits for the past 1 1/2 years and I need to try to improve. I mean, try scratch building or something else to push my Gunpla skills a little bit further. Just adding details and painting gets boring after 2 1/2 years of Gunpla. Wish me luck though, coz I suck at measuring stuffs and scratch building...Anyways, here are a few more photos of my loots today.

After snap fitting my MG Sazabi, I will then compare it to both the hguc Kshatriya and MG Sinanju and place it on my ongoing hangar diorama. Whichever looks best over the dio will be my kit for Bakuc 2010... I will let you know as soon as I make the decision. ;)

Thanks for dropping by! Til' my next better post! XD

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