
Local Organizer did not allow me to join GBWC 2014!!!

The local organizer here in the Philippines did not allow me to join GBWC 2014, due to technical reasons. 

I basically misinterpreted the rules. I have the original 3 year old Bandai MG The O box ( as I do not buy bootlegs anyways ) and bought a kit of the same price at the event ( MG Sazabi verKa ) to qualify to join. I thought that buying a new kit from ToysR'Us ( the event sponsor ) will sort of give me a ticket to join GBWC. 

All in all I have spent around 12k worth of items at ToysR'Us to qualify to join. The local organizer told me that I should have the receipt of the MG The O, which is impossible as that kit is too old to have kept the receipt. Besides you don't normally buy Gunpla at malls as it is 40% more expensive than buying original Bandai sellers online.

Oh well. At least my daughter joined the contest. I fully understand the rules of the local organizer now. Only Gunpla bought at ToysR'Us are eligible to join the contest. You cannot even go to Japan and buy Bandai kits as you need to buy them from malls... The sad part is that because the local organizers are too strict, the turn around of participants every year is getting lower and lower. It worries me that fewer people are joining GBWC here in the Philippines... But very strict rules in joining does not help ( the photo below shows how few the participants are ). 

Well at least I and my daughter got a photo with Master Kawaguchi. And my daughter was allowed to enter GBWC Philippines 2014! 

Until next year guys! Will focus on my commissioned works from now on instead. :)

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