
I want this little devil so much!

I just got home from the office and also just finished casting my TOP 3 entries for each category in G-SHOT. It was a lot more fun casting my final top 3 as the selection has been trimmed down from the first and second elimination round. I am the first judge to cast my vote, but I must say that we my have our winners very soon. Advance congratulations to all!

I also saw this at our MAC Facebook and it was posted by Gundam Guy. I just want this kit so badly I will loan money to get one. Kidding aside, I know I have a TON of backlogs and Gunpla commitments already. But I just want to get my hands on this little demon and snap fit the little guy the moment I have it! Thanks a ton to Bandai for releasing so many wonderful kits for the past couple of years! Will hunt for this kit very very soon.

On a side note, I worked on my MG Zeta US commission work diorama today. I will try to post some updates if I wake up early tomorrow. Thanks for dropping by! Til' next post! :)

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