
Berserker Tiger - HMM Saber Tiger Schwartz modeled by Str1ku

I am very proud to present to you a wonderful masterpiece of a Zoids Berserker Tiger kit. The modeler of this build is Yanssen aka Str1ku of Indonesia and his home forum is Netmorks. Most modelers who visits forums would definitely know him, but I figured I'll plucked one of his masterpieces out of our forums and share it to my non-forumer readers.

Str1ku is very much known for his perfect clean finishes and masterful painting but he has also done some weathered builds before. This is one of the great modelers who does not bother to put up his own website or blog but he is definitely one of the greats guys.

This masterpiece in particular does not really need compliments, just look at the photos and you'll be amazed with the painting and the overall composition and presentation. This is a great work of art from a very good humble modeler at that.

I would like to invite you to see TONs of great photos of this build in our MAC forums and hope to see you join in the discussion. Here is the link to Str1ku's Zoids masterpiece...

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