
G-SHOT Best Straight build category winner - Elbert Issac

I present to you the winner in the Best in Straight Build category, Elbert Issac's MG 1/100 Gundam Exia Ignition Mode! Perfect Straight build which has clean and crisp panel lines, no obvious nub marks or sanding scratches and the decal placement looks very well thought of. The quality of the photos and the poses of the kit nailed the coffin for me. 

Congratulations to all the finalists and to Elbert Issac for winning the category! Keep on modeling guys! Now, here is the link to Gundam Guy for some photos of the other finalists...

The following Photos are the Final Round FINALISTs... These guys gave us ( judges ) a hard time and Adam Sonar even had to put up a POLL for the selection of the winner.

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next G-SHOT winner! ;)

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