
MG Sinanju custom by mvm3897

I am still feeling under the weather but woke up and saw this perfect Master Grade Sinanju in custom colors at our forums. Perfect and pristine finishing, very vibrant color tones, flashy metallic paints,  beautiful metallic parts, perfect subtle shading and perfect photography.

18 months into this hobby, 10 awards in various competitions and 3 features in japanese magazines, Matt Mrozek aka mvm3897 from the US continues to progress and evolve as one of the most inspiring Gunpla modelers around. 

Again, 18 months... I have been in this hobby for 36 months and I think I could not pull off such a build with perfect painting and finishing. Maybe the weather in the US makes it easier to paint and produce clean finishes? Kidding aside, Matt is another testament that experience does not play much role in this hobby, passion and talent always does play a bigger role.

A lot MORE photos and discussion of this perfect custom MG Sinanju in our forums...

Spot how many times I used the word " perfect "... hehe, anyways thanks for dropping by! Til' next featured guest modeler guys! :)

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