
1/30 Starcraft diorama WIP - Zerg painted

This was my first time to paint a creature with an airbrush as this Zerg was originally hand painted 15 years ago. I must say I had so much fun I think I should do this more often. I still struggled painting those small skin patterns but I got the hang of it as I went along.

After priming the Zerg grey, I then post shaded the crevices with flat black and then gave it some nice thin coats of dark yellow paints. I then used browns that were thinned so much to make it very transparent and painted the skin patterns. The main Zerg skin is basically lots and lots of layers of transparent ( due to thinning ) earth colored paints.

I then moved on to spraying clear red over the red parts and also gave the whole kit a mist coat of clear green. The clear green is meant to kill the vibrance of the red and to give the skin tone a greenish reptile feel to it. I then gave the kit 3 layers of RED future to blend all the colors together.

I will now have to detail paint the eyes and teeth and maybe some more skin patterns and give the whole Zerg some enamel washes to make the texture really pop out. Anyways, here is my first attempt on creature painting...

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