
1/48 Mega Scale Zaku verDC23 Primed

I just finished priming this old project. I wanted to finish a kit before I report back to work on Monday and to make a good start to 2015. I did not want to rush my MG Z'Gok and MG Zeta Karaba just to finish something as both are commissioned works.

I got lazy and stopped detailing this project today as I want to paint and weather this already. Although I have colds since Monday, I hope to finish this project soon. This should be basically a weathering practice kit for me and hope to pull off better weathering on this kit. 

The diorama or base is entirely made of styrene and textured with Vallejo texture paints. The kit is primed with Vallejo White Polyurethane Primer as usual. 

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

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